New Denver Restaurants and Closings This Week
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Arcana has been one of Boulder’s best restaurants since it opened five years ago, but the past year was tough for the fine-dining eatery. Rather than give up completely, it became Arcana From Afar, offering takeout food on a pay-what-you-can basis. A number of pop-ups followed, featuring regional dishes from around the world and occasional guest chefs, including Modou Jaiteh, who presented the West African cuisine of his eatery, Jacaranda, which was also part of the original lineup at Rosetta Hall.
Arcana finally ceased operations entirely just over a month ago, but the creativity and quality the kitchen was known for won’t come to an end. A remodel is in the works, and the restaurant will reopen in mid-spring as Supermoon, an Asian-themed eatery under chef Samuel McCandless, who has been with Arcana for the past two years. Expect to see Supermoon rise in May.
In the meantime, here’s our list of restaurant and bar openings for the week ending March 7, 2021:
Denver Restaurants and Bars Opening This Week*
Beau Jo’s pizza truck, various locations
Crock Spot, 2878 Fairfax Street
The Green Collective, 2158 West 32nd Avenue
Open (at American Bonded), 2706 Larimer Street
Denver Restaurants and Bars Closing This Week*
Arcana, 909 Walnut Street, Boulder
*Or earlier, and not previously reported.
Do you know of any openings or closings that aren’t on this list? Let us know in the comments, or send an email to [email protected].
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